Colombia Pavilion Osaka Expo 2025
Osaka, JAPAN
"MANY YEARS LATER, as he faced the firing squad, Colonel Aureliano Buendía was to remember that distant afternoon when his father took him to discover ice."— G. García Márquez, One Hundred Years of Solitude (translated by Gregory Rabassa).
In One Hundred Years of Solitude, the Colombian Nobel Prize-winning author G. García Márquez vividly captures, through his magic realism, the moment a boy witnesses ice for the first time in the mythical town of Macondo. Drawing inspiration from this poignant scene, the Colombian Pavilion at the Osaka-Kansai Expo embraces the concept of ICE CUBE, featuring a façade design composed of numerous translucent cubes set in various directions, to convey a sense of movement and articulation. At first, the façade presents the visitors with an unlikely association between the country of Colombia and Ice Cubes, only for this connection to unravel as the visitors venture through the pavilion.
The façade ice cubes are constructed from semi-transparent polycarbonate panels and illuminated with lights that can be color-controlled, allowing the façade to take on different expressions throughout the day and night. This dynamic lighting will captivate visitors' attention, serving as a platform to showcase Colombian culture during the Expo. Inside the pavilion, visitors can savor Colombian coffee, a national specialty, at a bar counter located in the entrance hall.
Given the temporary nature of Expo pavilions, the design focused on a short construction period, low cost, and recyclable materials. The main structure was built using a prefabricated light steel frame system, sitting on a floating foundation to mitigate the limitations of the soil conditions on site.
The simple, spacious structure of the light steel frame system allows for flexibility in accommodating various exhibitions, while part of the dug-out space for the floating foundation is efficiently utilized as a mezzanine floor for back-of-house areas. Combining the story-driven façade design with a practical, environmentally sustainable main building, the Colombia Pavilion stands as a fitting and striking presence at the Expo—a place where different cultures converge.
At the same time, the decision to utilize a modular prefabricated light steel structure was driven not only by the need to accelerate construction but also by a vision for the pavilion’s life beyond the temporary Expo event. Its distinctive structural design ensures adaptability, enabling a seamless transition to a more permanent setting beyond the Expo grounds. Discussions are already underway to define the next chapter of its journey.
コロンビアを代表するノーベル文学賞作家、G・ガルシア=マルケスによる『百年の孤独』には、蜃気楼の村マコンドで、生まれて初めて氷を目にした少年の姿が、マジックリアリズムと呼ばれる文学手法で鮮やかに描かれている。この印象的なシーンからインスピレーションを受け、大阪・関西万博のコロンビアパビリオンでは『ICE CUBE』をコンセプトとして、様々な角度の多数の半透明キューブで構成されたファサードデザインが動きとアーティキュレーションを表現している。このファサードが来館者に示すコロンビアとアイスキューブの意外な関連性は、来館者が館内を進むうちに次第に明らかになっていく。
『ICE CUBE』は半透明のポリカーボネート板によって作られ、色彩をコントロールできるライトアップによって様々な表情を見せる。これにより、万博の開催期間中は日中帯から夜間まで来訪者の目を楽しませ、コロンビアの文化を発信する装置としての役割を果たす。更にパビリオンの中に入ると、エントランスホールに計画されたバーカウンターでは、コロンビアの特産品であるコーヒーを楽しむことができる。

Location : Osaka, JAPAN
Type of Program : Expo Pavilion
Owner/Client : ProColombia
Design Period : April ~ July 2024
Construction Completion: April 2025
Site Area : 875,89 sqm
Footprint Area : 513,42 sqm
Total Floor Area : 584,44 sqm
Structure : Prefabricated lightweight modular structure
Lead Architect : MORF Inc.
Design Support: AA-DC
Structural Design: Ando Imagineering Group (AIG) - External Façade
General Contractor : Sakane Sangyou Inc.
Modular Structure Contractor: NS Hi-Parts
Landscape Design & Construction: 1moku Landscape Design & Research
敷地 : 大阪, 日本
プログラム : 万博パビリオン
施主 : ProColombia
設計期間 : 2024年4月~7月
竣工予定 : 2025年4月
敷地面積 : 875,89 ㎡
建築面積 : 513,42 ㎡
延床面積 : 584,44 ㎡
構造 : モジュール式プレファブ軽量鉄骨構造
建築設計 : 株式会社MORF建築設計事務所
協力事務所: AA-DC
構造設計 : 株式会社 ANDO Imagineering Group–ICE CUBE ファサード
施工 : 阪根産業株式会社
ランドスケープ:1moku design & Research